Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Consensus

It looks like the consensus for a healthy dessert includes anything with fruit. Adding fruit into yogurt, ice cream, or to make a smoothie is a great way to add a serving of fruit and a serving of dairy for after dinner! Some great fruits for this include any sorts of berries, which you can buy in a frozen pack to add to smoothies for just about $4.00 at most food store near you.

Another great suggestion if you want to add Nutella or peanut butter to anything (like me) would be just a couple of pieces of whole wheat toast or rice cakes with some Nutella or organic peanut butter spread on top.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Dessert Anybody?

One of the most difficult things when it comes to eating fairly healthy is figuring out a dessert that can be both delicious and not give you a heart attack. I tend to lean a lot towards anything and everything with Nutella, trying to justify it by saying it has the same nutritional value as peanut moderation. (I'm not sure if that's actually true or not, so don't take my word for it).

Anyway, I'm looking for some more healthy treats and desserts.

Any suggestions?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Make it in a Mug!

So these probably aren't the healthiest recipes in the book, but they are a tasty treat for whenever you're looking for something to cook quick in the microwave. Plus, who doesn't like eating out of a mug??

Delicious Snacks in a Mug

French Toast In A Cup
French Toast in a Mug

There are links on this page to take you to the separate recipes for each mug!
Mac and Cheese In A Cup
Mac and Cheese in a Mug

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Classes cancelled? Make a Good Breakfast!

Lucky for me, my earlier class was cancelled this morning and I had time to make a good, filling breakfast! Everybody always tells you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and I agree, it is. Breakfast is actually the best meal of the day with the best tasting food. If I could eat breakfast for every meal I probably would, to be honest. Usually I'm lucky if I get up in time for a bowl of cereal.

This morning I decided to make scrambled eggs with spinach and red peppers.

Making scrambled eggs is probably one of the simplest things to do. My mom taught me when I was 12 years old and it's always been a favorite for me since it's so easy to prepare, not to mention delicious!

1. Add some oil (or butter) to the bottom of a pan and put it on medium heat on the stove. This helps prevent the food from sticking to the pan. Make sure not to keep high heat because the eggs may begin to burn and get a little crusty.
2. Cut up a pepper (any color is fine, really) into slices and then cut those slices up into smaller pieces.
3. Add these pieces into the pan in a single layer to make sure that all of the pieces are getting warmed up.
4. Once they begin sizzling, push them to one side of the pan and add some spinach leaves. These will take a little bit longer to start to cook. Essentially you're sauteing spinach (just like how I did in one of the first recipes for salmon with spinach and rice. On a side note, a plain dish of sauteed spinach is a great snack if you're ever in the mood for something quick and healthy.)
5. While these ingredients are cooking, crack an egg or two (I usually eat two) into a bowl and whisk them up using a fork so that the yolk and the egg whites are blended together. If you want you can add a dab of milk or some salt and pepper to add a little bit of flavor. The milk will change the consistency of the egg to make it a bit fluffier and more "liquid-y" when it is cooked.
6.Push both of these ingredients towards the outside of the pan to form an empty circle in the middle of the pan.
7. Add the egg that you have just whisked into the pan. Once the surface of the egg begins to bubble slightly, grab a spatula and begin moving the egg around so that the area that hasn't been cooked yet has a chance to.
8. Once it seems that the liquid portion of the egg is fairly gone, mix the spinach and peppers into the eggs so that they are distributed evenly throughout the egg.

Put 'em onto a plate and enjoy! This dish is great with a glass of orange juice and, if you want more, a piece of toast or two is also a great accessory.